AEPD file management
Have you made changes in your Personal Data Files?
Do you have a new file and do you need to register it?
How can I register a file in the AEPD? PRiSE helps you with the management of your files.
Data Protection consultancy
Ask us to solve any request on Data Protection.
ARCO Rights, proceedings and management.
We help you managing the proceedings to solve this Rights in the
correct deadlines.
Data Protection Training
Ask for our lectures or request a specific lecture in Data Protection. We adapt the training to your needs.
Incident Management
PRiSE helps you to deploy the best solution to manage your incidences.
Technical Solutions
How can I apply the LOPD in my organization?
How can I cypher my personal data and confidential information?
How can I manage the security of the mobile devices in my organization?
Which is the best proceeding to make backup copies of my information?
PRiSE would solve this questions for you.
Safety measures
PRiSE makes the Security Guide of your organization, role definitions, deployment, management and maintenance.