The main technologies used in PRiSE related to Digital Identity are:
- PAPI: This software, developed by a variety of Spanish organizations, allows a Digital Identity Federation with a Delegation Authorization model to be deployed with a usage authorization system. This system is widely used by Spanish academic and scientific institutions.
This protocol, based on XML messages, is the de facto standard of the industry and is used commonly in its 1.1 and 2.0 versions. PRiSE has extensive experience in open source products like
simpleSAMLphp and
Shibboleth that implement SAML 1.1 and SAML 2.
- OpenID: This technology gives a decentralized Single Sign-On and open system in which the user identifies him/herself by a URL. Its popularity is expanding into 2.0 applications like
Dopplr or
- CAS: CAS is an authentication protocol developed by Yale University in 2004. It was handed over to Jasig in 2008. Since then, Jasig manages this project. Besides being a protocol, CAS has specific software that allow its application. Nowadays is one of the most used protocols in EEUU academic environments.
- OAuth: This protocol allows acquisition of data from a user, asking for authorization of data release. This protocol is becoming more widely used. Organizations such as Yahoo and Google are strongly committed to this technology.
- WS-Trust:
This is a specification that defines a Secure Token Service (STS) which allows it to obtain security tokens or convert data from distinct tokens technologies.
- SPML: Service Provisioning Markup Language (SPML) is a framework based on XML that allows the organizations to interchange information for the user provisioning.