PRiSE would like to emphasize the relevance of the information privacy and security

The privacy and security of the digital identity in the organizations are vital, therefore, the information related to these processes must be protected by the compliance of the laws and regulations on security and privacy.

In these fields, PRiSE makes privacy and security audits of the exchanged data on a Single Sign-On or Federation in order to adapt to the regulations and directives related to security and privacy, by:

  • Data architecture analysis and identity management of an organization

  • Monitoring of the Digital Identity methodology and the adaptation to interoperability standards

  • Making analysis of the extent of implementation of the regulations and creating value proposals and security standards y profiles adaptations

Some of the most important regulations and directives of privacy and security are:

  • Real Decreto 3/2010, of January 8th, under which the Esquema Nacional de Seguridad (ENS) on the e-Administration is regulated . Its goal is the generation of a trusting environment for the use of electronic means. It stablishes security policies and requirements in order to gain equality between all the citizens in the interaction with the Public Administration.

  • Ley Orgánica 15/1999, of December 13th, de Protección de Datos de carácter personal (LOPD) and its regulation: Reglamento de desarrollo de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, of December 13th, de protección de datos de carácter personal. The goal of this law and regulation is to guarantee and protect the civil liberties and the fundamental rights of the citizens in relation to their personal data, specifically its honor and personal and familiar privacy.

  • Real Decreto 4/2010, of January 8th, that regulates the Esquema Nacional de Interoperabilidad on relation to the e-Administration. Its goal is to generate a safe environment that guarantees certain level of technical, semantic and organizational interoperability between the systems included in the Public Administration, allowing the users to the exercise their political rights and duties by electronic means.

  • 2009/136/CE/ and 2009/140/CE European Parliament directives, of November 25th, related to the universal rights of the users in the networks and electronic communication services, the processing of the personal data and the protection of the privacy. It establishes a common regulatory framework for the networks and services of electronic communications.